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Published on December 10, 2021
Falconer Public Library Story Hour Director Ashley Nelson and Wendy Burns of the Zonta Club of Jamestown are seen with our 16 Days of Activism display. Zonta...
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Published on December 6, 2021
  The Falconer Public Library is partnering with the Falconer Rotary to present “25 Days of Reading”. Each day during the month of December a member of ...
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Published on November 17, 2021
We will be drawing for the winner of the frozen turkey on Friday, November 19th. Be sure to bring in non-perishable food items to “Stuff the Bird&#8221...
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Published on November 8, 2021
Come celebrate Children’s Book Week (November 8-14) and share your superpower with us! Have your photo taken as a superhero and tell us what your favorite ch...
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Published on November 1, 2021
Bring in non-perishable food items to be donated to the Falconer Food Pantry. For each item donated, you will be entered into a drawing to win a frozen turke...