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Published on February 1, 2022
Lego fun was enjoyed by the young and the young at heart! Many thanks to the family of Billy Eskeli who generously donated a large collection of his Legos to...
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Published on January 28, 2022
Come to the library and help us celebrate National Lego Day! Let’s see how creative you can be!
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Published on January 27, 2022
There is still time to vote! Which was better? The book or the movie? You decide and let us know! Stop in and take a book and the DVD. See which one you like...
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Published on January 19, 2022
Come celebrate National Popcorn Day at the library! We have so many good books to “pop open” and a special treat to share! Hope to see you today!
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Published on January 17, 2022
Which was better? The book or the movie? You decide and let us know! Stop in and take a book and the DVD. See which one you like best.