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Published on September 2, 2022
Thanks to the CCLS Road Trip we were able to meet many new library friends this summer. There were 130 visitors who guessed on our beach glass guessing jar. ...
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Published on August 23, 2022
One of our younger library friends brought in milkweed pods to share with other patrons in the hopes of growing more milkweed plants in the area to help the ...
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Published on August 20, 2022
Story Hour for our three and four year olds begins September 14th! Story Hour Director Ashley Nelson provides two classes on Wednesday mornings. There are st...
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Published on August 15, 2022
Just a reminder, the CCLS Road Trip continues through August 31st! This is a great opportunity to visit all of the libraries in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus Co...
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Published on August 12, 2022
Come join the fun! Story Play Saturday has a new theme for August – Transportation and Travel. Stop by the library and check it out!