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Published on October 19, 2022
Special thanks to Madeleine and Garrett Yager from the Falconer Fire Department for taking the time to share some important information with our three and fo...
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Published on October 19, 2022
Mrs. Nelson made Story Hour so much fun by sharing her newest cardboard creation with our three and four year old classes. After reading the story, Little Bl...
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Published on October 7, 2022
The library will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We will open at 9:00AM on Tuesday, October 11th. Have a great weekend! We will also be closing at 12:...
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Published on September 23, 2022
Fall is here! Stop in and see the beautiful new wall hanging our Library Clerk, Sandy Thies made for us! We have some great new books to read and a fantastic...
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Published on September 21, 2022
  Wednesday, September 21, 2022 – 4:30 PM Come share your ideas for our young adult area- your input is needed! We will provide afternoon snacks!