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Summer Reading – Week 3

Summer Reading – Week 3

So proud of all of our good readers! Keep up the great work! It is not to late to join the fun if you haven't already signed up. We encourage you to read a book, a magazine or listen to an audiobook for at least 15 minutes a day! This year we are also offering an online program. Go to to register!

TIME: Five weeks of reading fun: June 29th – July 31st.

READING LOGS: To keep track of your minutes, stop at the library and pick up your reading log. You can also download the reading log here.

ACTIVITY CALENDAR: We have calendars for fun activities to do each day of the week! These calendars can be picked up at the library or downloaded at the following links for adults, teens and children

PRIZES: Each week we will offer a special prize! Bring your reading log in to show us your reading progress. Read for at least 15 minutes a day, 5 or more days per week and your name will also be entered into a drawing for a prize at the end of the summer!

 GUESS JAR: Use your math skills to guess the number of items in the jar each week. Winners will be announced every Monday at the library.

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