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Jamestown Audubon Society Nature Photography Club Display

Jamestown Audubon Society Nature Photography Club Display
The Jamestown Audubon Society Nature Photography Club will be displaying members’ photos at the Falconer Public Library during the month of February. The photo display theme is “Spring”. Stop into the library and enjoy a break from winter while looking at their photos. The Photo Club members that are displaying their work are: Don Armstrong, Cathy Abers-Kimball, Jane Anderson, Karen Christy, Vicki Aiken, Taylor Brennan, Barbara Garfield, Edie Wall, Terry Lorenc, Stephen Graham, Pat Hellner, Julie Rodriguez, Kathy VanHorn, and John Brustrom. A reception with an opportunity to meet the photographers will be held on Saturday, February 12th from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
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