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Diversity Grant

Diversity Grant
Falconer Public Library received a grant from the Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System 2021 Outreach Mini-Grant on Diversity. It encouraged a creative outreach program that promotes diversity throughout the community. Senior Library Clerk, Sandy Thies completed the grant and planned the program to purchase books that would showcase special needs individuals as main characters, provide information on disabilities, and to be used by special needs individuals. Materials purchased also encouraged critical thinking, reading comprehension, and both verbal and written expression. The goal was to provide materials, for all ages, that show representation of special needs individuals. The library hosted a breakfast celebration of National Special Education Day with guest speakers Terri Johnson, The Resource Center’s Director of Rehabilitation, Employment and Community Services and Julie Widen, Falconer Central School’s Director of Special Education Services and Student Support Services. They shared valuable information with local librarians. Shown in the picture are, LJ Martin, Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System’s Coordinator of Outreach and Special Projects and Youth Services Consultant, Terri Johnson, The Resource Center’s Director of Rehabilitation, Employment and Community Services,  Julie Widen, Falconer Central School’s Director of Special Education Services and Student Support Services, Sandy Thies, Falconer Public Library’s Senior Library Clerk.
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